Psychology of Celebrity Stalkers

I recently found out to my amazement that an interview I gave regarding why people stalk celebrities has appeared on Wikipedia. The particular article that I helped to contribute to relates to a case involving the stalking of Ben Affleck’s children in the not too distant past.
Given the number of phone calls and emails I have been getting about this Wikipedia page, I thought I would offer a quick post to help expand a bit on this topic.
For reasons that I do not fully understand myself, I have always found it interesting to study the lives of Hollywood celebrities. I suppose if I am really honest about it, my interest in these folks relates to wanting to humanize those in the public eye who are commonly referred to as “stars”.

I have worked with several “celebs” over the years in my capacity as a wellness counselor, mostly helping them and their families find ways to stay safe and sane.
I have also been involved in public grieving situations, such as the death of Paul Walker. In the case of Paul, many people felt a very real connection to a young man who died far too young. I remember an interview Walker gave about his desire for privacy and how he became nervous when fans became “too close”.
Celebrity Stalker Types
The three categories of celebrity stalkers that were mentioned in the original article and now appear on Wikipedia include:
- Simple Obsessional Types
- Love Obsessional Types
- Erotomanic Types
Admiring Fans vs. Stalker
Many folks are curious about the differences between being a strong follower of a fan versus being a stalker.
The answer can be found in the behaviors. Fans generally collect memorabilia and know all sorts of facts about a celebrity. Stalkers however become fixated with a star and track their every move. There can be a fine line of course but generally speaking, stalkers are obsessed.

More about these types of celebrity stalkers can be explored on the Wikipedia page. I am not sure who created this page because I know building something like this is not possible from someone with the general public. And so to the person who wrote the page, I would like to say I am humbled. Hopefully, the material appearing in the original article on the Wiki-page will be of use to someone.