Horoscope Compatibility: 5 Psychological Reasons To Believe!

horoscope compatibility charts

Astrology and Psychology Can Co-Exist

By: Couples Counseling Staff

Do you read your daily horoscope? Are you a person who strongly identifies with your astrological sign? Do you sometimes base your compatibility with a potential mate using their zodiac sign? Can you spot a Scorpio or Pisces from a mile away? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people from around the world are true believers of astrology!

But how can you reconcile your belief in astrology and also subscribe to the scientific tenants of Psychology at the same time? Can astrology and psychology coexist? 

This blog post will explore the relationship between astrology and psychology and offer 5 reasons that you can feel good about believing in both.  Through the lens of history, specific information will be offered to help support the marriage of these two areas. At the end, a fun poll has been included for you to register your thoughts anonymously.

Are you ready? Let’s jump right in!

1. Astrology has been used to teach research methods

Believe it or not, astrology has been used for research purposes in the behavioral sciences. In a study conducted at the University of Cincinnati and appearing in the Journal of Teaching Psychology, scientists examined students’ astrological beliefs as a way of teaching basic principles of research design and data interpretation.

And so if you are searching for information on a particular zodiac sign, like the Scorpio man in love and relationships, know that you are joining others, including academics!

2. Astrological Psychology is a sub-field

Did you know there is an entire field of psychology that is focused on horoscopes, astrology and psychology? There sure is! The core of astrological psychology is rooted in its parent, Humanistic Psychology.

In fact, a book was published in 1936 by a big mover and shaker in the area of transpersonal psychology named Dane Rudhyar. The Astrology of Personality  was one of the first publications to lend credence to the potential link between an individual’s personality, horoscopes and human psychology.

3. Some of Carl Jung’s theories were based in astrology

Known to virtually all who have studied psychology is the name Carl Jung. Born in Switzerland, Jung was a psychiatrist and psychotherapist and considered to be the father of analytical psychology. Jung deeply influenced the most widely used personality assessment tool in the world – the Myers Brigg Type Inventory (MBTI). Specifically, the MBTI adapted what Jung classified as four primary psychological types.

These types were based on four elements unique to cosmology; Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Check out the chart below to discover which element your zodiac sign falls under.

horoscope compatibility chart

4. Transpersonal Psychology

Many are unaware there is a sub-field within the behavioral sciences known as Transpersonal Psychology (TP). In a nutshell, TP integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience within the framework of current day psychology. Some people refer to TP as a kind of Spiritual Psychology.

This particular area human behavior is all about things not of this world, such as the psyche of the cosmos.  Students and researches involved with TP explore topics ranging from spiritual development to altered states of consciousness to mystical experiences. Astrology is a very big part of TP!

5. Nearly half of all Americans believe astrology is a science

A poll recent conducted by the National Science Foundation indicated that astrology was a scientific or “very scientific” area of science. Compare this with our Chinese counterparts who by 92% believe that astrology and horoscopes are essentially pseudoscience.

The causal reasons behind Americans believing in astrology are multi-factorial in nature, including various cultural and societal influences. The truth is that Americans have always been captivated by astrology. Even the former First Lady of the United States, Nancy Reagan, contracted the services of an astrologer back in the 1980’s.

horoscope compatibility


What does all of this mean?

So does all of this mean that your horoscope compatibility chart is scientific? Should you really choose your lover according to their zodiac sign? The answer to these questions is still evolving. Currently, astrology is still considered a pseudo-science, which is a 25-cent term for saying it is not real.

It is important to point out here that some still believe large swaths of psychology to be a pseudoscience, including psychoanalysis and hypnosis.  Does this somehow invalidate their importance or significance? Should we throw out the scientific journals that are dedicated to research in these areas? That’s up to you to decide.

Below you will find a horoscope compatibility chart that may suggest which zodiac (astrological) sign is best for your particular birth sign. Keep in mind there are literally thousands of charts available on the Internet.

To be sure, there exists wide disagreement on which signs best connect with others. Think of what appears below an information source or a way of confirming things about horoscopes and compatibility that you already knew.

Horoscope Compatibility Chart

horoscope compatibility charts

Photo Credit: Fastrology

What is important to recognize is this – you can believe in astrology, including what you read in your horoscope today, and still believe in the tenants of human psychology. And there is a place for psychotherapy and astrology, as demonstrated by some of the founders of modern day psychology.

As human beings, we are attracted to what is familiar. If we believe in something strongly enough, there is a high likelihood that we will attract (or be attracted) to those with a similar belief or mindset. For example, if you believe that your dreams are a gateway to the subconscious, you will likely be attracted to those who feel the same.

On the flip-side,if you feel strongly that your dreams are a conduit to another realm of existence, such as a fourth dimension or spiritual world, you will likely act as a magnet to others who subscribe to those same thoughts. The same hold true if you believe in things like animal guides or the existence of prince charming.  

In the case of your horoscope and compatibility, there is a high likelihood that what you believe is what you will attract.  Paradoxically, connecting with others who believe as you do reinforces your self-construct.

zodiac compatibility chart


Final Thoughts

Let’s face it – believing in the compatibility of your horoscope can be kind of fun. It can also limit you to certain types of people if you are overly rigid in your approach. So there you have it. You can still be a fan of modern day psychology while strongly believing in your zodiac sign. The truth is – there is room for both!

Below we have included a fun poll for you to vote in on this topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Please Like us on Facebook


  1. Nice balanced article. For interest, you can’t just look at the birth charts, you have to look at the progressed charts as well. They explain why you might be very compatible with someone at one stage of your life, and later be very incompatible with them. Also, as you know, Sun signs only form part of the picture. Google Starlove for a free program that calculates both basic as well as current compatibility.

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